
Superfood Secrets for a Long and Healthy Life

Superfood Secrets for a Long and Healthy Life - Tamil Health Tips We cannot decide our life span but we can stay healthy for a long time by following certain exercise, diet which increases our life span. In this video we are going to see food that increase our life span and delays ageing. 

Your lifespan will increase if you take food with high nutrition and low calories. Add broccoli, grapes in your diet to prevent cancer. 

Taking beans varieties increases your immunity power Gingelly oil prevent heart disease, keeps our brain healthy and take 2 spoons of oil in your food to be healthy. 

Lycopene present in tomato, pomegranate, red guava prevents cancer. 

When we add lemon and honey with green tea it flushes our toxins, increases immunity, helps to lose weight. 

We will not be obese if good cholesterol is more in our body and take 4 almonds a day which has Vitamin E, Calcium and Iron. Calcium is vital for strong bones and we get it from egg, fish and vitamin E is rich in it which prevents bone related problems. 

Capsicum is rich in Vitamin C and Fibre, take capsicum salad at least twice in a week. We can take Vitamin A rich fruits and vegetables and to get good eyesight take carrot, papaya, pineapple etc. 

Dairy products contains good bacteria which aids digestion, increases immunity and prevents some type of cancer. Take variety of rice like brown rice, red rice etc which is high in fibre and controls blood pressure. Add flax seeds in juice, salad, buttermilk, sweets etc as fibre and antioxidant present in it prevents cancer and helps to reduce cholesterol.

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